Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hi, my name is Fantasia Pastranos and I am a student at Central Park East High School. 
I love testing out video creating apps like wevideo majesto and many others. You will be surprised the amazing things that can be created by using video software from the App Store and Play Store. For example this video that I created for an English project ( ) shows what can be accomplished using video software apps. I hope you enjoy 
P.S. Follow me on instagram @sincerelyfantasia 
Ms. Brannon

Hi! I'm Ms. Brannon, and I teach 11th and 12th-grade ELA at Central Park East High School.  I'm also a digital learner. Admittedly, I'm anything but tech savvy...but I know that many of my kids are. So in January of 2014, a group of my students and I started Digi Club--a place where we could explore  digital tools for learning and creating.  We spent most of the Spring Semester learning how to use video software on our desktops, tablets, and cell phones. And together we created a fantastic video about Central Park East. This year, we plan to play with podcasting software, and we hope to to kickoff our Digital Citizenship campaign soon (stay tuned). 

One of the purposes of creating Digi Club was to assemble a group of students who could support their classmates and teachers who struggle with using technology to do research and create media for for multi-modal projects.  So whomever you are, we hope that if you'd like a little direction on how to use technology purposefully, you'll reach out to someone on the Digi Club team.